The auction will start on 14.04.2025

Auction 17. List of categories

Lp. Name Number of lots
1Pre-stamp period68/68
2Foreign Postage on Polish territory101/101
3Polish Kingdom21/21
4WW1 occupation postage105/105
5WW1 military postage156/156
6Town postage 1914-1918130/130
7Local postage 1918-191928/28
8Overprint editions 1918-1919366/366
9Inter-war Poland 1919-1939395/395
10Central Lithuania103/103
11Post offices abroad 1919-193931/31
12Plebiscites 1920-192239/39
13Government-in-Excile editions24/24
14WW2 foreign postage15/15
15WW2 military postage157/157
16General Government230/230
17Concentration camps WW249/49
18PoW Woldenberg camp108/108
19PoW Murnau camp43/43
20PoW Gross Born camp22/22
21Warsaw Uprising 194417/17
22Jewish Ghetto, judaica16/16
23WW2 PoW and internment camps188/188
24Local postage 1944-194528/28
25Communist Poland 1945-1952596/596
26Polish People's Republic 1952-1989678/678
27Polish Republic - 198951/51
28Official stamps16/16
29Postage dues61/61
31Postal stationery445/445
32Air mail19/19